City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
he saw at Joseph’s making professions of fri[en]dship— said he was not,— asked if he did not state befor hundreds of people that you belivd Joseph a prophet? No! said —— they were under oath when they said it.
accorded with the viws expersed [expressed], that this paper is a nuisane, did not consider it wis[e] to give thm time to trupret [trumpet] a thou[sa]nd lies this proprty could not pay for.— If we pass only a fine or impisment [imprisonment], have we any confidace that they will d[e]sist? none at all,— fo[u]nd these men covnet [covenant] breakers. with God with their wives. &c. have we any hope of their doing better— Their charactees have gone before them
, said when at the people sa[i]d no-body caered for him— they all blived him to be a scoundrel. Higbee
continud.— shall they be suffrd to go on. No I had rather my blood would be spilld.— and would like to have the press removed as soon as the ordinace will allow,— wished the matter be put in the hnds of the Mayor and evry body stand by him,— in the excutin [] of his duties.— and hush evry murmur—
C. said he had felt deeply on this subject.— and concurred fully in gen smiths views as expressed by him— this day.—— considrd private interest as nothing in comparison with the public good.— Eve[r]y time a line was formed in he was thence, for what, to defend themse[l]ves agant just such schoudrels [scoundrels] as as are now fighting agist us.— considerd the doings of the counil this day of immence moment. not to this alone but to the whole wold.— would go in to put a stop to this thing at once—— Let the thing be throwd out of this — and have the responsbity [responsibility] off his shouldare & let it fall on, the state of — [p. 29]