City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
C. . . . referd to the scurry at — & the death of his son at that place. I said he could not sit still when he saw the same spirit arisng in this place.——and he considrd the publis[h]ers of the Expostors as much murderes at heart as David was before the death of Uriah. <was for making a shrt wor[k] of it——> was prepard to take his stnd by the Mayor & whatevr he propse [proposed] would stnd by by him to the last—— the quicker it is stopped the bettr.—
—— had investigatd the constitutin, Chater, & laws.— the power to declare that office a nuisac is grnted to us in the Springfield Chater, and a relosutin [resolution] dclaring it a nuisane is all that is reqired.
John Bining Sworn & said they had comm[en]ced their operatin and woud cary them out Law or no law.
.— Sworn said the Inhabates [inhabitants?] of ths is done the minut a hand is laid on this press—
continud.— and referd to in destroying the charcter of a child,— who had the child <charge of> another child.—
Warren Smith Sworn,— came to me and proposd to have me go in as a p[ar]tner Makng Bogus Mony.— wold not wo[r]k for a livng witinss might go in with him, if witnss wold advnce $50. and shew me 1/2 a dollar he siad was made by his dies.—
continued had felt deeper this day than he ever felt before.— wanted to know by yes if there was any one home to <who> wanted to avenge the blood of that Innocent female— Yes ascended form evy qu[ar]ter of the room,— referred to the Tea plot at [p. 30]