City Council, Rough Minute Book, 10 Feb. 1844–13 Jan. 1845; handwriting of , , and John McEwan; fifty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
it is no use to enquire into Titles, but shun the burying ground for the time being— but draw up an ordinance— for the time being <to> go round— no action required till Ordinance is made—
An Ordinance in relation to the ferry across the Read 1st . Time 2 time— 3 time— Bill passed— satisfied with the Title
An Ordinance concerning the burying ground on Durphy Street Read 1st. time, 2 time, 3 time— and satisfied by the Title—
moved that the be empowered to use delinquent <Street> labor— in fencing the burying ground.
. As the is enterprising— the should get the Street labor & do it—
if your Honor opens the Street you are authorised to fence the ground—
Ald. we should fence all round, and have no partnership— dont make any jungling business,
Moved and seconded that the fence the burying ground, with delinquent Street labor— subscription from the people— motion withdrawn—
— <wished to speak, and allowed> I was sent to Ireland by the Church— An order was made after my departure, and I consider that it is my right to be re-instated— I think I have been faithful— I am now destitute of a situation— I had the burthen of the business at the commencement, and I hope I shall now be re-instated—
its true he went to the Old Countries— he came to me to be reinstated— he was the Recorder of the City Council— Church Recorder— &c There will be a new election and <it is> for them to decide— with regard to it— has been appointed— we must reject him to take in — if I have labored, and got enough to pay my taxes— and a many have labored for nothing— we have to borrow money almost weekly— I have always attended but never charge any thing— I have objection to him for Recorder of Licences— a man could not get a Licence without paying him 25 cents— he records “did not pay for his Licence—” if there was a Licence place where he could get a penny he wanted it— it is not worth while turning out, to take in — gets his pay by Hook or by Crook as he could get it— if the feathers are picked of us, we dont want the down taken of us— I want to see men act from generous principles—
replied, that he went accordingly to Council— and I now claim to be re-instated— the charges cannot be substantiated against me— let it be laid before the congregation, and I venture to say he I will be re-instated, I received the fees that was allowed by the City Council, and no more— I have right and truth on my side and shall continue it boldly.
there is no such thing as <being> re-instated City Recorder— if a man is absent— another is elected and read the resolution of appointing Recorder— we cannot turn our present City [p. [2]]