Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
on the principle of equal rights,— and on condition the petitioner give bond for security to the that the He keep an orderly house Aldermanspokeby way o proposed to disannu[l] the ordinance now in force to rather then take up the time in discussion.— should reci record his vote against granting the peti[tioner] , spoke, against the petition, and requested that the Mayor rather give up the his license than grant more, .— concurred, <Mayor <says> resigned his & <I> gave <give> up his <my> license,—> and spoke against the petition.
<Alderman > thought there should be one place to sell spirits did wish. to intrude on the Mayors License.— should vote against granting any Licence to retail spirits.—
Mayor said he was willing to give <up> his license if that <was> thought the best way, but wanted some ordinance passed to prevent drunkards com coming to my <his> house to stay over night. <said> Id <he> give up my <his> license. Iwont <would not> have it any how, since being admonished by father .—
proposed a special committee be appointed to draft an ordinance concerning the sale of spirits.
asked leave to withdraw his petition, had leave, Mayor directed his License be entered as repealed, council decided not.— spoke in favor of the Mayor retaining his license.— spoke, in objection to all Licencences for spirits.— Mayor spoke.— suggested that if Lewis & Butler could have the privilege to retail, he would give up his license, <& not be obliged to go to .— The council has not the constitutional>
R. H. Loomis Petition for retailing, read,
power to prohibit the selling by the Large, wanted his fri[e]nds to have the same chance as his enemies, was willing to transfer his License to Lewis & Butler, grant the honorable portion of community, the privilege which the dishonorable take, & I he would call it equal Rights.
, was sorry the Mayor had offered to give up his License.
C. concurred, <&> proposed the Mayor continue his License and use Gentlemn Lewis & Butler as clerks.—
concurred— , wished the Mayor might retain his License.
, said if we are to have Licences would think the Mayor the proper person to give Licenc for a certain term [p. 43]