Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
<Qu/ is this Ordce. to be Posted. Repassed March 5th..—>
A Bill Was presented entitled an Act <Ordinance> to regulate Weights & Measures in the City of , which received the usual Readings, & passed Unanimously, The Title as above.—
An Ordinance regulating Auctions in the City of was presented, & received the usual Readings, & passed Unanimously, by the above Title.—
A Recess of One Hour taken, at 1/2 to One oC.— Called to Order agreeable to adjournment, & opened by Prayer.—
The Committee on the Municipal Law brought forward or reported a Bill respecting Swine, which was read the first Time. It was moved that it be laid on the Table, which was put to Vote, but did not Carry, Rules dispensed with, & Bill read a second Time.—
The Question, whether Bill shall receive a 3rd. reading, was put, & Carried lost.—
spoke in support of the Bill, , spoke against the Bill, unless amended. Colr J. Smith <The Vice Mayor> spoke in opposn. to the Bill, in Toto.
Colr. spoke at consid[era]ble length, & did not wish Bill to by carried <as> it now stands, neither at this time.—
Colr , moved an Amendment that after the Word Swine, the Words “under twenty five Pounds weight” be inserted.— & spoke in support of it.
The Vice Mayor, spoke against the Amendment.—
Colr. , also spoke agst. the Amendt., & did not wish Bill <to pass.—>
spoke respecting what he considered personalities alluded to him.—